15 inches x 20 inches
painted on illustration board
airbrush: iwata eclipse
colors: holbein and comart
prismacolor pencils
the model is jessamyne from australia, with photo reference taken by dale jordan. jewelry is actual jewelry made by phyll smith at eyescreamjewelry.com. the inspiration comes from the character in the fleetwood mac song rhiannon. the scene and background were made to have a feel of whitby abbey, which was also inspiration for bram stoker´s novel dracula. the wolf is there to give you the suggestion that she is not as innocent as she looks. i used layers of transparent paint built up from light to dark and used liquid frisket to add texture, movement, and brushstroke to the background. details and jewelry were painted with conventional brush. all things combined make a very mysterious painting.

making of des bilder
mit dem titel -destroyer- von michael calandra
in der art scene international ausgabe nummer 78
persoenlich erstellter text von michael calandra am 04.11.2008
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers michael calandra
michael calandra calandrastudio.com
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