classic dc - 3
this art is 16" x 22"
and was illustrated on blank photographic paper
using an efbe model "a" airbrush
the medium is schmincke, aerocolor
this image was created to be used as a collectable promotional poster for a special airshow that was to occur in conjunction with the worlds fair in vancouver bc canada. the airshow brought together over 100 surviving dc - 3 aircraft from all over the world. this was the aircraft the first made commercial air travel possible. there are many still in operation worldwide today. in the end, the client ran out of money and the art was never printed.
the art director, who commissioned this painting is an enthusiastic amateur pilot. although the art is stylized, he insisted that all aspects of the image were to be technically accurate. this included all the rivets. each had to appear to be countersunk in the sheet metal.
the art director, who commissioned this painting is an enthusiastic amateur pilot. although the art is stylized, he insisted that all aspects of the image were to be technically accurate. this included all the rivets. each had to appear to be countersunk in the sheet metal.
persoenlich erstellter text von mark heine am 07.11.2008
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers mark heine
mark heine mheine.com
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