Sunday, May 30, 2010

the outlaw of torn frank frazetta hommage

the outlaw of torn frank frazetta hommage

malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 300 g/m2

480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

Thursday, May 27, 2010

eight ballers

the painting is box top art for a model company. it´s called "eight ballers". this painting is 20" x 30" illustration board acrylic.

persoenlich erstellter text von c. s. bailey am 27.05.2010
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers c. s. bailey

copyright © 2010 c. s. bailey

c. s. bailey

mustang thunder

the painting is 36" x 48" acrylic on canvas. it´s name is "mustang thunder". my motive in painting this is i enjoy to paint machines. i am very found of the p -51 and i know the pilot. his name is lt. alden rigby.

persoenlich erstellter text von c. s. bailey am 27.05.2010
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers c. s. bailey

copyright © 2010 c. s. bailey

c. s. bailey

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

airbrush fachverband e. v.

der airbrush fachverband e.v. ist ein zusammenschluss von firmen, die sich mit produkten oder dienstleistungen der airbrush-technik beschaeftigen. zu den verbandsmitgliedern zaehlen vertreter der herstellenden industrie und des gross- und einzelhandels, aber z.b. auch verlage und schulen.

das gemeinsame interesse ist airbrush – die erfolgreiche vermarktung von airbrushgeraeten, farben und anderen begleitenden produkten, die vermittlung des umgangs mit der airbrushtechnik und des kuenstlerischen koennens, nicht zuletzt aber vor allem der erhalt und die groesstmoegliche verbreitung der airbrushtechnik. durch kooperation und informationsaustausch zwischen seinen mitgliedern moechte der airbrush fachverband e.v. die branche foerdern, qualitaetsstandards setzen und den bekanntheitsgrad sowie das image dieser art der gestaltungstechnik in der oeffentlichkeit optimieren.

als zentraler ansprechpartner fuer die airbrush-branche steht der airbrush fachverband e.v. fuer anfragen aus industrie und handel, von kuenstlern und anwendern sowie fuer journalisten und interessierte jederzeit gerne zur verfuegung.

airbrush fachverband e.v.

Monday, May 24, 2010

frank frazetta hommage death dealer 1

death dealer 1 frank frazetta hommage

malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 615 g/m2

480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paratroopers Woman Body Painting

paratroppers women body paintingWomen Body painting of paratroopers. Look at pictures of parachutes in body painting

Sexy Beach wear Body Painting

beach wear body paint
A woman painting a section with beach clothes on his body. Nice bikini body painting

Irina Shayk on Beach Body Paint

irina shayk beach body paint
Irina Shayk looks sexy for a photo session for the body paint Sports Illustrated Swimsuit body painting on the beach.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

captain america alex ross hommage

captain america alex ross hommage

malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 615 g/m2

480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

Sunday, May 9, 2010

alien ridley scott und hr giger hommage


malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 615 g/m2

480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

todesengel hellboy 2 guillermo del toro hommage

todesengel hellboy 2

malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 615 g/m2

480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vem aí o 2º Tattoo Mix Convention

2º Tattoo Mix Convention

Santos, a cidade natal da tatuagem brasileira, será mais uma vez palco do Tattoo Mix Convention, como já divulgado aqui. A novidade são os renomados tatuadores nacionais e internacionais confirmados que colocarão suas habilidades artísticas em prática durante os três dias de convenção. Atenção pois o Tattoo Mix Convention será em um novo local, o Clube Regatas Saldanha da Gama.  Confira abaixo algumas fotos da primeira edição da convenção santista, a ficha técnica completa do evento e os artistas já confirmados.

Ficha Técninca
Data: 4 a 16 de Maio 2010
Endereço: Av.: Almirante Saldanha da Gama, 44/63 - Ponta da Praia, Santos
Artistas confirmados: Adão Rosa, Akira, Alex Punk, Alex Souza, André Rodrigues, Beicinho, Beto Satã, Body Play, Christian, Cris, Cristiano, Dallier, Danielle Perrone, David Duarte, Edinho, Família Tattoo, Foca, Frank, Gill Montie, Japa Ike, Padang, Jeferson, Juliane Alencar, Klan, Klash, Léo C2, Marília, Mario Vitor, Monkey, Paulinho, Rafael, Rafael Couto, Ronaldo, Timbó, Tio Urso, Tribalistas, Uruca, Willian Nascimento
Abertura: Sexta-feira 14:00 as 22:00hs, Sábado 14:00 as 22:00hs, Domingo 12:00 as 22:00hs
Telefones: +55 (13) 3019 7567 / 9111 0663
Mapa dos estandes:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Novo recorde com tatuagens do Vasco da Gama

Foram precisas 802 Cruzes Templárias tatuadas em 22 horas, para que fosse quebrado o recorde mundial. 806 torcedores do Vasco da Gama, confiaram suas peles ao tatuador Eric Codo, para a maratona que levaria o Clube de Regatas Vasco da Gama ao Guinness Book. Nem o presidente Roberto Dinamite ficou de fora e tatuou pela primeira vez a cruz na panturilha direita.

O tatuador americano Hollis Cantrell era o atual detentor do recorde quebrado pele brasileiro.

Além da tatuagem, quem reforçou o time dos torcedores tatuados do Vasco da Gama ao participar da campanha Vasco na Pele, também ganhou uma camisa 3 oficial do clube.

Veja abaixo o vídeo da campanha e o vídeo oficial do recorde.

Tattoos em Mariah Carey, Clinton, Bush, Saddam e outros famosos

Um toque criatividade e pronto, alguns celebridades mundialmente conhecidas em versões mais coloridas. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Mariah Carey e Saddam Hussein, são algumas celebridades "tatuadas" pelo photoshop.

airbrush workshop mit stefan czech

am samstag dem 15. mai und sonntag dem 16. mai
gibt stefan czech einen 2taegigen airbrushkurs.

bei interesse erhaltet ihr weitere informationen von stefan czech.

email an stefan czech:

stefan czech
multi media design
stefan czech filmproduktion

Sunday, May 2, 2010

heart strings

heart strings gibson es-335 guitar

heart strings is a usa gibson es-335, a classic gibson model in the class of the les paul. it has stock gibson humbucker pickups and hardware. it was signed by the artist and comes with a certificate of authenticity and a custom gibson hard case.

gz guitars jennifer janesko

flower dance

flower dance
gibson es-335 guitar by jennifer janesko

jennifer janesko's distinctive art is quickly achieving international recognition. playboy magazine featured illustrations by janesko in the june 1998, march 1999, march 2000 and february 2001 issues. janesko has been showcased in maxim magazine, femme fatales, pinup and took the cover of a scream queens issue. janesko work was featured in international publications such as desire and skin two of england, marquis fetish images and oto of germany. additional recognition has been gained through airbrush art publications, such as air brushaction, airbrush art + action and airbrush magazines. television stations such as fox and msnbc have also spotlighted the artist's work. jennifer's original art appeared in the 1994 film "exit to eden", directed by gary marshall. recently a portrait of janesko by artist dru blair appeared on the march/april 2008 cover of air brushaction.

the artist's work is a fusion of her love for pinup, fashion and glamour. high contrast and sharp direction are the two elements that form the basis of her art. the artist uses airbrush and paintbrush to create mixed media paintings. studies are created using a wide variety of materials including charcoal, pastel, colored pencil, watercolor, ink and graphite on various surfaces. original paintings are currently sold through and various exhibitions. the artist also accepts private commissions.

current janesko projects include creating new original and print images. janesko has just completed the third wine label in association with haut art wines of napa valley. she is currently branching out in new and exciting directions with a series of images painted on guitar for gz guitars, inc. the artist also has plans to teach pinup classes at the blair school of art in north carolina. soon to be announced projects will feature the artist's talents and passions in the world of fashion.

this guitar is a usa gibson es-335. the custom pickups were made by peter florance at voodoo. modeled after the early 57' paf (no decal) humbuckers, they have a wonderful, warm, organic tone. custom made formvar wire give them enhanced mid's and upper low's, and result in an incredible sound not found in stock 335's. all work was done through gz's custom shop in new jersey. this guitar is signed by the artist and comes with a certificate of authenticity. custom gibson hard case included.

gz guitars jennifer janesko

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cissa Pavloski, Caveira Tibetana, 196

meu nome é Cissa, minha caveira ainda não está pronta, resolvi fazê-la, após ler o significado.
Muitas pessoas acham que "Caveiras", são símbolo de morte, ou algum tipo de culto macabro, pois bem... para o povo mexicano: é a vida.

E como, eu adoro a minha vida, minha liberdade, e até mesmo as dificuldades, esta Tattoo combina comigo.

Abraços à todos."

Cissa Pavloski


name: "hero"
size: 40 x 50 cm ( around 15,7" x 19,7 " )

digital illustration made with photoshop and a graphics tablet wacom intuos a 5.

in this case, i used several layers to detail the musculated body ( specially veins, wrinkles, shines... ). the hero suit and the background of the fortress of the solitude were added later.....

daniel cayuela
coompax-digital magazine